Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Beach Trip....Going Home!

Saturday was a little hectic as we all packed up and got ready to go home.  Our drive home was definitely not as long but Olivia wasn't as thrilled with this trip.  Perhaps she was just sad to be leaving the ocean!  We left after breakfast so we only needed to stop to eat one time.  We stopped at a Chick-Fil-A near Williamsburg where they had retired folks walking around the dining room offering fresh cracked pepper, mints, hand wipes and even place mats for the kids!  They got refills for people and even cleaned up the trash.  I thought we were on another planet!  I brought Olivia a container that had peas, chicken and blueberries and that's what she enjoyed.  She sat so nicely in the high chair with her little place mat and plate.  What a little lady!  Not too long after lunch, this is how we found her.....

Apparently Vivien had the same thought on her trip home.....

Great time had by all!

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