Thursday, January 20, 2011

Shopping Cart

Monday was Olivia's first time riding like a big girl in a shopping cart!  We definitely could have done this earlier but Lee does most all of the grocery shopping so Olivia hasn't really made it to the grocery store since she was a little monkey!  I thought it would be fun to post 2 pictures.  One is Adam in his shopping cart debut and the other is our little Olivia!  Fun!

Adam looks as if he is actually enjoying himself.  Trust me, Olivia was LOVING it, but she was SO exhausted from her rough night Sunday.  Here's to more shopping with my love bug!!

1 comment:

Maureen Gribble said...

Aww! She looks adorable!! I was so confused when I first looked at this post, haha, seeing Adam's picture pop up threw me off!